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Bettinsoli, M. L., Suitner, C., Maass, A., Finco, L., Sherman, S. J., & Salvador Casara, B. G. (2021). The Spatial Ingroup Bias: Ingroup Teams Are Positioned Where Writing Starts. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 0146167220984297.


Cervone, C., Augoustinos, M., & Maass, A. (2021). The language of derogation and hate: Functions, consequences, and reappropriation. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 40(1), 80–101.


Hornsey, M. J., Chapman, C. M., Alvarez, B., Bentley, S., Salvador Casara, B. G., Crimston, C. R., Ionescu, O., Krug, H., Selvanathan, H. P., Steffens, N. K., & Jetten, J. (in press). To what extent are conspiracy theorists concerned for self versus others? A COVID-19 test case. European Journal of Social Psychology.


Suitner, C., Maass A., Navarrete, E., Formanowicz, M., Bratanova, B., Cervone, C., Hakoköngäs, J., E., Kuppens, T., Lipourli, E., Rakić, T., Scatolon, A., Teixeira, C., Wang, Z, Sobral, M. P, & Carrier, A. (2021). Spatial Agency Bias and Word Order Flexibility: A Comparison of 14 European Languages. Applied Psycholinguistics.


Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L. & Galfano, G. (in press). Early saccade planning cannot override oculomotor interference elicited by gaze and arrow distractors. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.


Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L. & Galfano, G. (in press). Social modulators of gaze-mediated orienting of attention: A review. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.


Zhang, X., Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., Fiorese, A., Lan, Y., Sun, B., Fu, S. & Galfano, G. (in press).  Social attention across borders: A cross-cultural investigation of gaze cueing elicited by same- and other-ethnicity faces. British Journal of Psychology.

Bettinsoli, M. L., Suitner, C. & Maass, A. (2020). Take a walk on the cultural side: A journey into embodied social cognition. In: M.D. Robinson & L. E. Thomas (Eds.) Embodied Psychology: Thinking, Feeling, and Acting, Berlin: Springer Verlag.


Bettinsoli, M L., Suitner, C. & Maass, A. (2020). The distinct contributions of cause–effect order and reasoning type in judgments of causality, Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 32, 108-129


Cadinu, M., Carnaghi, A., & Guizzo, F. (2020). Group meaningfulness and the causal direction of influence between the ingroup and the self or another individual: Evidence from the Induction-Deduction Paradigm. PloS one, 15(3), e0229321.


Carraro, L., & Bertolotti, M. (2020). La Psicologia Politica. In Andrighetto, L. & Riva, P. Psicologia Sociale: Fondamenti teorici ed evidenze empiriche. Il Mulino


Castelli, L., & Carraro, L. (2020). No evidence of racial discrimination among toddlers. Psicologia Sociale, 2, 285-292.


Cervone, C., Scatolon, S., Lenzi, M., & Carraro, L. (2020). Consequential support: The Effects of Inequality Awareness on the Endorsement of Redistributive Policies. Psicologia sociale. 2/2020, 255-267. â€‹


Dalmaso, M., Alessi, G., Castelli, L. & Galfano, G. (2020). Eye contact boosts the reflexive component of overt gaze following. Scientific Reports, 10 (4777).


Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., & Galfano, G. (2020). Microsaccadic rate and pupil size dynamics in pro-/anti-saccade preparation: the impact of intermixed vs. blocked trial administration. Psychological Research, 84, 1320-1332.


Daniele, M., Fasoli, F., Antonio, R., Sulpizio, S. & Maass, A. (2020, in press). Gay voice: Stable marker of sexual orientation or flexible communication device? Archives of Sexual Behavior


Fasoli, F. & Maass, A. (2020). The Social Costs of Sounding Gay: Voice-based Impressions of Adoption Applicants, Special Issue on Sounding strange(r): Origins, consequences, and boundary conditions of socio-phonetic discrimination,  Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 39, 112-131.


Fasoli, F., Maass, A., Karniol, R., Antonio, R. & Sulpizio, S. (2020). Voice changes meaning: The role of gay- vs. straight-sounding voices in sentence interpretation. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 1-25. 0261927X19886625.


Formanowicz, M., & Suitner, C. (2020). Sounding strange (r): Origins, consequences, and boundary conditions of sociophonetic discrimination. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 39(1), 4-21.  DOI: 10.1177/0261927X19884354


Goyal, N., Adams, M., Cyr, T. G., Maass, A., & Miller, J. G. (2020). Norm-based spontaneous categorization: Cultural norms shape meaning and memory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118, 436-456. 


Guizzo, F., & Cadinu, M. (2020). Women, not objects: testing a sensitizing web campaign against female sexual objectification to temper sexual harassment and hostile sexism. Media Psychology, 1-29.


Lamer, S., Suitner, C., Cacioppoli, R., Maass, A., Pradell, H. (2020). The function of vertical and horizontal space to social group identity. Self and Identity. DOI: 10.1080/15298868.2020.1785929


Lucarini A., Suitner C., Brown, R., Craig A.M., Knowles E.D., & Salvador Casara B.G. (2020). The #MeTooLate Effect: Victim blame and trust denial for sexual harassment not immediately reported. Personality and Individual Differences, 167, 1-6.


Lucarini, A., Suitner, C., Brown, R., Salvador Casara, B. G., Knowles, E., Craig, M., (2020). Ideological and socio-cognitive motives behind victim blaming. Conference Proceedings of International Graduate Conference UNIRE – Trento - Gender Violence is also a Cultural Issue.


Moscardino, U., Miconi, D., & Carraro, L. (2020). Implicit and Explicit Self-Construals in Chinese-Heritage and Italian Nonimmigrant Early Adolescents: Associations With Self-Esteem and Prosocial Behavior. Developmental Psychology, 56, 1397-1412. DOI: 10.1037/dev0000937


Penolazzi, B., Del Missier, F. Stramaccia, D., Monego, A., Castelli, L., Manzan, A., Bertoli, M. & Galfano, G. (2020). Testing the transdiagnostic hypothesis of inhibitory control deficits in addictions: An experimental study on gambling disorder. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9, 339-346.


Salvador Casara, B.G., Suitner, C., Erseghe, T. (2020). Immigrazione, stili e temi: Uno studio sui tweet dei politici italiani. Ricerche di Psicologia.


Salvador Casara, B. G., Suitner, C., & Lucarini, A. (2020). Political orientation is related to the frequency of #MeToo tweets in U.S. States Conference Proceedings of International Graduate Conference UNIRE – Trento - Gender Violence is also a Cultural Issue.

Bettinsoli, M. L., Maass, A., & Suitner, C. (2019). The first, the least and the last: Spatial asymmetries in memory and their relation to script trajectory. Memory & cognition, 47(2), 229-239.


Bettinsoli, M. L., Suitner, C. and Maass, A. (2019). The distinct contributions of cause-effect order and reasoning type in judgments of causality. Accepted in Journal of Cognitive Psychology. DOI: 10.1080/20445911.2019.170098


Brambilla, M., Carraro, L., Castelli, L., & Sacchi, S. (2019). Changing impressions: Moral character dominates impression updating. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 82, 64-73.


Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., & Galfano, G. (2019). Anticipation of cognitive conflict is reflected in microsaccades: Evidence from a cued-flanker task. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 12 (3). 


Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., & Galfano, G. (2019). Self-related shapes can hold the eyes. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72, 2249-2260.


Ecarnot, F., Crepaldi, G., Juvin, P., Grabenstein, J., Del Giudice, G., Tan, L., ... & Papastergiou, J. (2019). Pharmacy-based interventions to increase vaccine uptake: report of a multidisciplinary stakeholders meeting. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 1-6.


Guizzo, F., Moè, A., Cadinu, M., & Bertolli, C. (2019). The role of implicit gender spatial stereotyping in mental rotation performance. Acta Psychologica, 194, 63-68.


Salvador Casara, B. G., Suitner, C., & Bettinsoli, M. L. (2019). Viral suspicions: Vaccine hesitancy in the Web 2.0. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 25(3), 354–371.  



Carraro, L., Spironelli, C., Poli, E., Bobbio, A., Castelli, L., Arcuri, L., & Angrilli, A. (2018). CIO inventory: A new tool for measuring personality traits common to psychopathy and narcissism and their interaction with gender. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 59, 1-9. dii: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2018.05.002


Fasoli, F., Cadinu, M., Carnaghi, A., Galdi, S., Guizzo, F., & Tassara, L. (2018). How do you self-categorize? Gender and sexual orientation self-categorization in homosexual/heterosexual men and women. Personality and Individual Differences, 123, 135-139.


Fasoli, F., Hegarty, P., Maass, A., & & Raquel Antonio, R. (2018). Who Wants to Sound Straight? Sexual Majority and Minority Stereotypes, Beliefs and Desires about Auditory Gaydar. Personality and Individual Differences, 130, 59-64. 10.1016/j.paid.2018.03.046 


Fasoli, F. & Maass, A. (2018). Voice and prejudice: The Social Costs of Auditory Gaydar. Special Issue on Intersections of Intergroup Communication Research, Atlantic Journal of Communication, 26, 98-110. 10.1080/15456870.2018.1432617


Fasoli, F., Maass, A. & Sulpizio S. (2018). Stereotypical disease inferences from gay/lesbian vs. heterosexual voice, Journal of Homosexuality, 65, 990-1014. 10.1080/00918369.2017.1364945


Fasoli, F., Maass, A., Volpato, C., & Pacilli, M. G. (2018). The (female) graduate: Choice and consequences of women’s clothing. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2401. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02401


Guidetti, M., Carraro, L., Cavazza, N., & Roccato, M. (2018). Validation of the revised Food Neophobia Scale (FNS-R) in the Italian context. Appetite, 128, 95-99. dii: 10.1016/j.appet.2018.06.004


Mason, L., Scrimin, S., Tornatora, M.C., Suitner, C., Moè, A. (2018). Internet source evaluation: The role of implicit associations and psychophysiological self-regulation. Computers and Education, 119, 59-75.


Petrova, A., Navarrete, E., Suitner, C., Sulpizio, S., Reynolds, M., Job, R., Peressotti, F. (2018) Spatial congruency effects exist, just not for words: Looking into Estes, Verges, Barsalou (2008). Psychological Science, 1-8. DOI: 10.1177/0956797617728127


Rakic, T. & Maass, A. (2018). Communication between and about groups. In J. Harwood, J. Nussbaum, C. Gallois, H. Pierson, & J. Gasiorek (Eds.). Language, Communication, and Intergroup Relations: A celebration of the scholarship of Howard Giles, Routledge


Stramaccia, D. F., Penolazzi, B., Libardi, A., Genovese, A., Castelli, L., Palomba, D., & Galfano, G. (2018). Control over interfering memories in eating disorders. Journal of Clinical Experimental Psychology, 40, 30-44.

Carraro, L., Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., Galfano, G., Bobbio, A., & Mantovani, G. (2017). The appeal of the devil’s eye: Social evaluation affects social attention. Cognitive Processing, 18, 97-103. dii: 10.1007/s10339-016-0785-2


Castelli, L., D'Alpaos, F., Carraro, L., Pavan, F., Galfano, G., & Forti, B. (2017). Stereotype knowledge and endorsement in schizophrenia, Psychopathology 50, 342-346. doi: 10.1159/000479882


Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., & Galfano, G. (2017). Attention holding elicited by direct-gaze faces is reflected in saccadic peak velocity. Experimental Brain Research, 235, 3319-3332.


Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., Scatturin, P., Galfano, G. (2017). Working memory load modulates microsaccadic rate. Journal of Vision, 6, 1-12.


Fasoli, F., Maass, A., Paladino, M. & Sulpizio, S. (2017). Gay- and Lesbian-Sounding Vocal Cues Elicit Stereotyping and Discrimination, Archives of Sexual Behavior 46, 1-17  doi:10.1007/s10508-017-0962-0


Formanowicz, M. , Roessel, J., Suitner, C., Maass, A., (2017). Verbs as Linguistic Markers of Agency - The Social Side of Grammar. Journal of European Social Psychology, 47 (5), 566-579. DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.2231


Galdi, S., Maass, A., & Cadinu, M. (2017). Defending the Victim of Sexual Harassment: The Influence of Civil Courage and Media Exposure. Psychology of Women Quarterly, doi: 0361684317709770.


Guidetti, M., Carraro, L., & Castelli, L. (2017). An exploration of the differential effects of parents’ authoritarianism dimensions on pre-school children’s epistemic, existential, and relational needs. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 2079. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.02079


Guizzo, F., & Cadinu, M. (2017). Effects of Objectifying Gaze on Women’s Cognitive Performance: the Role of Flow Experience and Internalization of Beauty Ideals. British Journal of Social Psychology, 56, 281-292.


Guizzo, F., Cadinu, M., Galdi, S., Maass, A., & Latrofa, M. (2017). Objecting to Objectification: Women’s Collective Action against Sexual Objectification on Television. Sex Roles, 77, 352-365. 10.1007/s11199-016-0725-8


Keblusek, L., Giles, H., & Maass, A. (2017). Communication and group life: How language and symbols shape intergroup relations. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 20(5), 632-643. 10.1177/1368430217708864


Leach, C. W., Carraro, L., Garcia, R. L., & Kang J. J. (2017). Morality stereotyping as a basis of women's in-group favoritism: An implicit approach. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 20, 153-172. doi: 10.1177/1368430215603462


Merkel, E., Maass, A., Faralli, M., & Cacciari, C. (2017).  It only needs one man – or can mixed groups be described by feminine generics? Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics. 17, 45-59.


Suitner, C., Maass, A., Bettinsoli, M. L., Carraro, L., & Kumar, S. (2017). Left-handers’ struggle in a rightward wor(l)d: The relation between horizontal spatial< bias and effort in directed movements. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 22(1), 60-89. DOI: 10.1080/1357650X.2015.1118112, 5-YRS IF= 1.33


Suitner, C., Maass, A., & Ronconi, L. (2017). From Spatial to Social Asymmetry: Spontaneous and Conditioned Associations of Gender and Space. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 41(1), 46-64. DOI: 0.1177/0361684316676045, 5-YRS IF= 2.30


Stramaccia, D. F., Penolazzi, B., Monego, A. L., Manzan, A., Castelli, L., & Galfano, G. (2017). Suppression of competing memories in substance-related and addictive disorders. Clinical Psychological Science, 5, 410-417.


Timeo, S., Farroni, T. & Maass, A. (2017). Race and Color: Two Sides of One Story? Development of Biases in Categorical Perception. Child Development, 88, 83-102. 10.1111/cdev.12564


Timeo, S. & Suitner. C. (2017). Eating meat makes you sexy: Conformity to dietary gender norms and attractiveness. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 12/05/2017. DOI:10.1037/men0000119


Vaes, J., Latrofa, M., Suitner, C., & Arcuri, L. (2017). They are All Armed and Dangerous! Biased Language Use in Crime News with Ingroup or Outgroup Perpetrators. Journal of Media Psychology. Online DOI: 10.1027/1864-1105/a000216 

Carraro, L., Castelli, L., & Negri, P. (2016). The hand in motion of liberals and conservatives reveals the differential processing of positive and negative information. Acta Psychologica, 168, 78-84. doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2016.04.006


Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., Scatturin, P., Carli, L., Todisco, P., Palomba, D., & Galfano, G. (2016). Altered social attention in anorexia nervosa during real social interaction. Scientific Reports, 6, 23311. doi:10.1038/srep23311


Fasoli, F., A. Maass, A., Sulpizio, S., (2016). Communicatiom of the “invisible”: disclosing and inferring sexual orientation thruogh visual and vocal cues. In: H. Giles & A. Maass, Advances in and Prospects for Intergroup Communication, NY: Peter Lang Publications (pp. 193-208)


Giles, H. & Maass, A. (2016). Advances in and prospects for intergroup communication. NYC, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.

Horvath, L. K., Merkel, E. F., Maass, A., & Sczesny, S. (2016). Does Gender-Fair Language Pay Off? The Social Perception of Professions from a Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Frontiers in psychology, 6.02/2016; 6(1617). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.02018


Pacilli, M.G., Tomasetto, C. & Cadinu, M. (2016). Exposure to Sexualized Advertisements Disrupts Children’s Math Performance by Reducing Working Memory. Sex roles: A Journal of Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11199-016-0581-6


Suitner, C., & Maass, A. (2016). Spatial Agency Bias: Representing People in Space. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 14,, ISSN 0065-2601, 5-YRS IF= 8.65​ 


Van Veelen, R., Otten, S., Cadinu, M. & Hansen, N. (2016). An Integrative Model of Social Identification: Self-Stereotyping and Self-Anchoring as Two Cognitive Pathways. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 1, 2-36. DOI: 10.1177/1088868315576642. 

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